Some of 2013-14 year’s speakers pictured

Una with Prof. Joe Barry

Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People

www.homeless.ie : Coffee Evening/ Morning and Cake Sale in the Parish Centre on Sat. and Sun, 16th and 17th November 2013: A message from Una to all Marlay Guild Members:
“Many thanks to you for your wonderful work over the weekend . The event was a huge success due to the your generosity, effort and enthusiasm. While its main purpose was to raise a decent sum for Br. Kevin we also succeeded in generating a great feeling of goodwill in the parish and a strong spirit of cooperation in the guild. Joan’s seanfhocail of last Thursday was very apt – “Ni neart go cur le ceile”
Best wishes, Una”
Our President
How Can I Contribute to my Guild?
Because the guild functions on the principle of co-operation it requires every member to make her contribution.
Attend the bi-monthly meetings regularly
Bake for the Guild suppers.
Join the catering sub-committee or other subcommittees.
Supply prizes for raffles.
Introduce new members to the Guild.
Be a good ambassador for the guild in the wider community.
Join in the on-going activities: – crafts, choir, book club, yoga.
Support outings and other organised activities.
Share your skills and talents for the enrichment of all.
Socialize with other members, be inclusive and reach out to new members.
Take part in the Guild Competitions.
Offer help when it is needed.
Help tidy up at the end of the meetings.
Become involved in the Guild’s fundraising projects.
Share ideas/information.
Give contacts for speakers /demonstrators for the Guild programme.
Attend the AGM to show appreciation of the work done by the committee over the course of the year and to ensure a committee is in place for the year ahead.
Join the committee.
Take on a leadership role, President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer.
Use the Guild website marlayguild ica.com to access information, share information or provide feedback.